S & S Installation instructions
Original Yost Power Tube

Do Not use this product if you are using a main jet larger than .100

1. Turn off fuel (petcock at the gas tank)

2. Disconnect battery ground cable

3. Remove air cleaner cover, air filter and air cleaner backing plate.

4. Remove float bowl drain plug at the bottom of the carburetor, drain gasoline into a container and dispose of properly. Power Tube

5. Remove the main jet from main discharge tube.

6. Insert the Power Tube (Fig. 1)

7. Screw the main jet back into the main discharge tube and screw in the float bowl drain plug.

8. Reconnect battery ground cable.

9. Carburetor jetting and accelerator pump may need to be re-jetted and readjusted depending on application.

Yost Performance Products
380 8th St. N.E.
P.O. Box 186
Milaca, MN. 56353
Phone # 320.983.5410
Fax # 320.983.5269
Disclaimer: Yost Performance Products, Inc. Is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by improper instillation and or operation. This kit may or may not meet state or federal emissions standards and may or may not be legal on any public road or highway. It is the Responsibility of the purchaser to determine the proper legal use in his or her state, county or country. This product is protected under One or more patents (5,223,180/5, 562,868/5, 662,836/5, 810.264/6, 270,060.